POSCO - définition. Qu'est-ce que POSCO
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Qu'est-ce (qui) est POSCO - définition

A Companhia de Aço e Ferro Pohang, ou POSCO, acrônimo, da língua inglesa, para Pohang Iron and Steel Company (, ), baseada em Pohang, Coreia do Sul, é a terceira maior produtora de aço do mundo.
Bebida ácida, composta de vinagre e água, e usada na antiga milicia romana.
(Lat. "posca")
sf (lat posca) Bebida ácida, preparada com vinagre e água, usada na antiga milícia romana.
Exemples du corpus de texte pour POSCO
1. When contacted, Posco India officials declined comment.
2. POSCO has promised to help find plots for landowners.
3. Samsung Electronics surged 6.4 percent while POSCO soared '.8 percent.
4. However, it was not immediately clear whether POSCO and Orissa state had reached an agreement to let POSCO swap exports of low–grade iron ore for imports of high–grade ore.
5. South Korea‘s Posco, the world‘s fourth–largest, gained three per cent.